I had to make sure you all heard this TODAY! I've been saying it, and most of us knew it, but now Mr. Obama has made it clear: he is a big time Socialist! When an upstart plumber asked Mr. Obama if his tax plan would hurt him, Mr. Obama's answer confirmed that he believes in wealth redistribution not freedom.
Here is the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owA2geM8OGg&feature=related
Spread the wealth around, was his answer. He even said it was a good thing. Freedom is cliche, and the new hip is "spread the wealth around". Translation: he wants to take our money and give it to the "poor" and end the class system. This is textbook socialism. Obama=Joe Stalin! He wants us who work hard and stick our neck out (like this plumber) to take our hard fought money and give it to the people who would rather sit at home and collect a government hand out than work for a living.
If this man is elected, everything the founders intended, everything we have worked for, was for naught. He will destroy the very fabric of our Free society. It is very clear that we are facing a possible president that embraces socialism and wants to move our society to a Socialist/Communist wasteland. Up to this point most Democrats (including Clinton(s), Kerry, and Gore) have all tried to hide socialist tendencies. They try to use the right key words and disguise what they mean. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. A few of us are smart enough to see through it, but most of America takes them at their word. Now, the gloves are off and so is the sheep costume. It is clear that we are facing a full on socialist, who would love nothing more thatn to destroy the American way that I love. He sees out Democratic Republic as out of date and not "world friendly". He wants to take us to a point of being part of the "New World Order", and take away our soverenty forever. I am aware that I sound a bit overboard to some of you. But I feel that it is time to wake up and realize what we are dealing with. I love America and I am going to stand up to this man. We must get the vote out for McCain no matter how we feel. I for one will not be lead to distruction by this Pied piper.
I fear that if this man is elected, the damage he could do to our great country would be too much to ever overcome. McCain may move us slightly to the left, but Obama will move us so far to the left that we will not even know what right is anymore. As I've said before, I'd rather be on the McCain Sail boat drifting to the left than on the Obama Jet Racing boat blazing to the left. Either way, we need a real conservative to step up to the plate for the 2012 election. We will have to see the creation of a true conservative third party for it to happen though.
Please get out on Election day, and defeat this man. Make sure everyone you know is aware of the truth. Don't allow your disappointment of the political process to sway you not to vote. We must vote for Mr. McCain to preserve our great country!
Thanks for the ammo Barack! Tell a friend!
That's my 2.5 cents.
Also, soon I will give a rant on Michelle Obama's comments that the soul of America is broken and that Barack is the only person to fix them. WOW! Again!
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