I have written at great length about how scary it is that people "follow" Mr. BO without even knowing exactly what or whom they are following. If you try to bring up substance to most BO supporters they cry foul. They call you nit picky and the become offended. It is as if they think the man is completely infallible. It is impossible to have a calm political discourse with them. They refuse to even consider any negative information about "their man". If some of the current accusations were proven without a doubt, they would still vote for him and not care in the least. There are many reasons they are like this. The most common is the Bush hatred. They want someone, anyone from the other party because they perceive Bush and everyone else in the GOP are exactly the same. Let me say once and for all, John McCain is NOT George W. Bush. Some are voting for BO because they want to be a part of "History" by voting for the first Black President. Some are wooed by his charm and flowery words. It doesn't seem to matter what their reason is though, it only matters that they keep on "following" without question.
This kind of blind adoration and lock-step mentality brings up images in my mind of Hitlers Germany, Mussolini's Italy, or Stalin's Russia. It is frightening to me to see people almost worshiping this man. After all, no matter what they or he believe, he is only a man. Our Government was set-up to be a Government of the people, for the people, and by the people. It was set-up to have checks and balances. Leaders were not to have the kind of sway that a dictator or a traditional king would have. I for one will not "follow" and Political or governmental leader without question. I will not be a "sheeple".
That's my 2.6 cents, and I'm going to walk out of step with the adoring throngs on election day.
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