Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just the facts, Please?

Alright, it is no secret that I am rather frightened about Obamamania. Frightened? Why yes! It is frightening when folks in this great land of freedom begin to follow a candidate based solely on flowery words or the color of his skin. So many are choosing to look at the superficial parts of his candidacy and very few supporters care about what he really stands for. As I have said before, what he stands for is not a good thing for this country. He would usher in a new era of spending of which we have never seen it’s equal. Those of us who show enterprise and work production would be penalized with higher taxes while those who are not would be rewarded with more “social programs”. If you think this economy is bad, wait for the Obama recession with the inflation and unemployment rates it would bring. He would turn us so far to the left we would scarcely return.

On top of that I have shared with many my concern about his largely unproven track record. His record as a state Senator in Illinois shows a great propensity to spend. His record in the U.S. Senate? Well, there isn’t much of one. He voted very little because he started to campaign for President one year into his term. What a great service to the people who elected him. What votes he has shown up for have proven him a blatant socialist. At a later time I also want to expand on Mr. Obama’s friends and aquaintences. What they and his wife have to say is the key to understanding what this man actually believes. Don’t expect to hear any clarity from his mouth.

So, I ask supporters three questions constantly:

1 - Name one great accomplishment of Barack Hussein Obama in his life?

2 – Name one piece of Legislation that Mr. Obama has authored in his term in the U.S. Senate?

3 – What is one thing Mr. Obama will do to better this country if he is elected? (Or, name one thing of substance in his speeches)

Sadly, not one supporter chooses to answer.

Sadly, they DO NOT know the answers.

So then today, I found a columnist that is so much better of a writer than I that states it the way I have tried (unsuccessfully) to write it. Please read this article from Thomas Sowell here. Please, if anyone wants to disagree with me or Thomas or answer the questions, please comment now.

That’s my 2.5 cents, so there!

Read more of Thomas Sowell’s work here.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm Back

Alright, I am long overdue for a political post. The reasons for that are very painful and rather numerous. But all of a sudden, as November looms, I am all fired up all over again.

BURNOUT - The campaign started so early this time around that most normal folks with real lives and jobs are burnt out. I got so excited and pumped behind Mike Huckabee, that I spent the energy that I usually spend on the actual candidate too early. Why? Because I thought Mike represented the only real conservative, Christian voice in the race. Because I thought he could take a huge turn back to the right for the party I once loved. The reality is that the Republican Party has now moved so far left with the selection of Mr. McCain that they have occupied a position left vacant 5 or 10 years ago as the Democrats moved even further left. So, now I am left in a quandary. Yes, I will take my burnt butt to the polls and nonchalantly pull the McCain lever, but it will hurt. I constantly try to motivate myself to get out and work to get him elected, but I just can’t. I am very tired of the process, the endless coverage, the bitter negativity, and the lack of any substance or real stance on meaningful issues. I’m getting even more mad just writing about it.

AMERICA HAS ALREADY LOST – At this point it is pretty clear to me that no matter who get’s elected, we have all lost already. Like I have said before, any of the 3 captains we now have to choose from are steering their ships due Left. The only difference is that Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama are piloting a cigar boat with dual 350 Horsepower Evenrude engines, and McCain is steering a small sailboat. Both are going to the same place, just at a different pace. I will not belabor a point I have written about several times before, but the current system of selecting a candidate is broken. I also feel strongly that now more than ever we need a real, conservative third party. I no longer affiliate myself with the Republican Party. I can not. This party is so far from Reagan Conservatism it is scary. I will vote Republican in November, not because I want to, but because I have to. Either Democratic Candidate will destroy our country so badly on four years that it would take 8 to 10 years to overcome the damage.

DARE I SAY APATHY - I have spent 20 years bashing of friends, acquaintances, and others about their political apathy. It has most disturbed me when I find Bible believing Christians who are not only apathetic but don’t even vote. This totally burns me up. I believe strongly as both a Christian and a Patriot that we must be involved in the political process all the way through. If you don’t vote, then you have no voice in the democracy. However, for the first time in my lift I have recently been teetering on the brink of apathy. The Republican Party and apparently a majority of its voters have given us someone other than a real Republican. I can not get excited (yet) about this candidate I find myself stuck with. Mr. McCain is a good man, yes, but to me he is way off the Right path on too many issues. I actually agree with him quite a bit, but he totally burns me up on way too many issues that count. I also fear that he will end up like our current President. He is a man with great potential who squandered opportunities and allowed power, P.A.C.s, lobbyists to lead him down a free-spending swath right across the backs of true working men and women. Has President Bush done some great things, YES! But I fear men like him and Mr. McCain because they obviously wear lots of “sheep’s clothing” in campaign time only to reveal the true wolf when in office. So, why will I mobilize when the time comes? Why will I vote and campaign for Mr. McCain? Because I have a much deeper fear of Barack Hussein Obama (and Hillary) who will likely win the Liberal nod. He is the most liberal politician of our time. He has zero substance now in campaign time. He wields a barrage of flowery meaningless dialog that simply hides what his voting record screams out. Please don’t be fooled. This man is a liberal like none we have ever seen. If he gets elected we will see proposals that will make your head spin. We will see taxes increase right away. We will see nationalized healthcare pushed down our throats again. We will see gay marriage shoved down our throats. We will see our involvement in the U.N. increase. We will see our troops removed from Iraq and Afghanistan. We will see terrorism flourish and attacks will again come to our very homeland. We will see gun laws tighten like a noose around our necks. We will see our Foreign relations crumble, and we will soon be “giving away the farm” to dozens of other countries. We will leave the Barack Hussein Obama Presidency on the brink of a one world government. I could go on and on. I am for the first time in my 20 years of being voting age actually scared for our country. If this man gets elected, the American I have grown up in, the one my father fought for in World War II will cease to exist. You think I’m going overboard? We’ll see! So many Barack Hussein Obama supporters I know have no idea what the man stands for. They just think he is different, and a great speaker. If you are willing to vote for a man whose policy you do not even really know, then you will get what you are asking for. He is ill prepared and ill experienced to lead such a great country. And once he finishes we will no longer be that country. SO MUCH FOR APATHY!

BOTTOM LINE: I for one will not sit here and let Barack Hussein Obama ruin my country. So, against my better judgment I will get behind and vote for Mr. McCain. I urge all that love our great country to follow my lead and get the truth out.

My true prayer is and has been that a true conservative candidate will step forward and unite the true Republican base. We are left searching and with no real unifying choice. So I now will fight for the creation of a true conservative third party to become viable by the 2012 election cycle.

In parting, I will add the one thing that keeps me from exploding. All of this doesn’t really matter. This is all prophesied in the Bible. We (in my opinion) are on the brink of the end times. So truly, the Barack Hussein Obama direction may be what God chooses to lead us to the returning of his son. If so, Dear Lord, let it be.

That’s my 2.5 cents, so there!