Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WARNING! Please read carefully!


I wanted to send out an urgent warning to all of you for public service purposes. As you may be aware Mr. Obama has broken his campaign spending promises and is airing a thirty minute infomercial on all the major networks tonight. Not only is he proving that he has obvious un-American ideals by postponing the World Series by thirty minutes, but now we’ve learned that he may be attempting to hypnotize us with subliminal messages as well.

For years it has been a mystery what happened to what little objectivity the media still had left. We wondered why they follow every word BO says as if he were a god. We wondered why Hollywood and other celebrities fell prey to the same effect. Then when it had been assured for several years that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic Nominee, we wondered what happened to change the tide. Why did Democratic voters suddenly flock to Mr. Obama with unwavering loyalty?

Well, now we have found the answers. All of the folks who now follow after Mr. Obama have fallen by actually listening intently to him speak. They watch him in the debates, at a stump speech, or on his commercials and begin to be drawn in. Drawn in by what? We are not quite sure how, but it appears that subliminal messages are being sent while he is speaking. It is a clear form of brain washing. How else would you explain those who not only support him but actually refer to themselves as an Obama follower? We have learned that tonight’s infomercial (which is pushing back the World Series – how un-American) is full of half-truths, positions that are really not his, and full of outright pandering. It will also contain promises which can’t possibly be kept, piles of psychological babbling, and hatred aimed right at the heart of Mainstream America. What other subliminal messages might the infomercial contain? We are not quite sure.

We ask that you avoid this infomercial and all further Obama communications until after Election Day. I feel that I am strong enough to deal with it as I have been unaffected by previous attempts. But, I for one will not allow myself to be tempted or drawn in as a follower of any politician. So I will be avoiding the infomercial at all costs. Please don’t take chances; this content is highly volatile and harmful. So please stay clear of your television sets between 8pm and 8:30pm eastern time tonight. He may even be sending mind altering signals through the airwaves using the vertical interval (Yay, I fit in some TV techie stuff). You have seen what Mr. Obama has done to those his messages have reached. Some media members even say that he sends a chill up their leg (Chris Matthews). So please, heed this warning for your own sake. Then tune in for the World Series game at 8:35pm. This will allow five minutes for the disruptive signals to dissipate.

That’s my 2.5 cents. Please exercise caution and don’t take chances! This warning was brought to you as an inspiration from my beautiful wife.

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