I have heard enough doom and gloom in the last few days to last a lifetime. Some folks are convinced that John McCain has no chance and BO has already won. Some have actually told me that they plan to stay home and not waste their time. I think these people must spend too much time watching TV news and reading print news. If that is all you listen to, then you may come to that conclusion.
On the other hand, if you use your brain and think on your own, you can be patient and resolved. I have not given up yet. John McCain can still win, and I am still trying to convince others who either aren’t voting or are voting for the dark side. I do not trust polls at all, and I think this will be an extremely close election. I feel the momentum starting to shift, but we only have one week.
So you must get out Next Tuesday and VOTE! However, if you plan to vote for Obama, than I’m OK with you choosing to just stay home! Remember that this election is very critical. If BO is elected, he will surely take us so far to the left that the foundation of this country will break irreparably. If he wins there is also a good chance he could achieve a full filibuster proof majority in both the House and Senate. If this happens, there would be no checks and balances at all. In this case the liberal Senate, House, and President would run roughshod across the constitution. I fear for our country with this kind of free and easy law making on either side, but from my perspective this is even more frightening. When they are through, we would more resemble a Socialist country than a Democratic Republic. We will surely have tax and spend like we’ve never seen before, not to mention Socialized health care and a weak military.
This is something I am not willing to stand by and let happen. I am campaigning for McCain as hard as I can right now in my own little world. I know some folks are not excited to vote for John McCain either. But I must tell you that not voting or voting for anyone but McCain is a vote for Obama. So please go out and vote, and mobilize as many as you can.
We must send a message on Tuesday. Many news organizations are already declaring BO the winner. This is wrong in so many ways, and could effect the outcome of the vote. So, just don't believe the hype. Don't get complacent and let the media or your friends talk you out of voting. Out right to vote and make a difference in our society is one of our most powerful rights. I for one will walk up to that voting machine first thing Tuesday morning and push that button proudly. Later the votes will be counted. So strip away the polls and the guesswork and the bias that you are hearing and stand up to be heard!
That’s my 2.5 cents, so please get out and Vote.
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