Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Please take a little survey!

OK, I’d like to try something so that I can better understand why people are planning to vote as they are. It will be easier for me to write about what will lead up to Election Day with some more data.

You will have to post a comment to this blog entry, but you may post it anonymously! So, here we go.

1. How do you usually vote, by party affiliation or by values and principals?

2. Are you voting in the Presidential race this year?

3. If you are voting, are you voting this year based on party affiliation or values and principals?

4. If you are voting, are you planning to vote for the candidate you believe in, or against the one you don’t believe in?

5. Is the candidate you are voting for the one you wanted in the primary stage of the campaign? If not, who was it?

6. Does race have anything to do with your vote?

7. Did the Bush Presidency help determine your vote, or are you voting based on the merits of these 2 men?

8. Are you campaigning for your candidate of choice? (T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.)

9. Did the Iraq war stance of your candidate make up the majority of your decision to vote for them?

10. How much, if any, impact did the VP choice of your candidate have to do with your decision? Why?

That’s my 2.5 cents. Thanks for your input.


Knucklehead said...

Here are my answers.

1. How do you usually vote, by party affiliation or by values and principals?
I vote by values and principals.
2. Are you voting in the Presidential race this year? YES!

3. If you are voting, are you voting this year based on party affiliation or values and principals? Values and Principals

4. If you are voting, are you planning to vote for the candidate you believe in, or against the one you don’t believe in? Yes!

5. Is the candidate you are voting for the one you wanted in the primary stage of the campaign? If not, who was it? No! Mike Huckabee

6. Does race have anything to do with your vote? NO

7. Did the Bush Presidency help determine your vote, or are you voting based on the merits of these 2 men? I’m voting based on these 2 men and Bush has nothing to do with it whatsoever.

8. Are you campaigning for your candidate of choice? (T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.) Yes, in blog form.

9. Did the Iraq war stance of your candidate make up the majority of your decision to vote for them? It was one element of many, but it did not form the majority of my decision.

10. How much, if any, impact did the VP choice of your candidate have to do with your decision? Why? It had a great deal to do with it. I absolutely love Sarah Palin and everything she stands for. I had actually thought of staying home until she came into McCain’s camp.

That’s my 2.5 cents.

Anonymous said...

1. How do you usually vote, by party affiliation or by values and principals? Values and principals

2. Are you voting in the Presidential race this year? Yes

3. If you are voting, are you voting this year based on party affiliation or values and principals? Values and principals

4. If you are voting, are you planning to vote for the candidate you believe in, or against the one you don’t believe in? both

5. Is the candidate you are voting for the one you wanted in the primary stage of the campaign? If not, who was it? No, Romney

6. Does race have anything to do with your vote? No. I am a minority.

7. Did the Bush Presidency help determine your vote, or are you voting based on the merits of these 2 men? Bush is not running

8. Are you campaigning for your candidate of choice? (T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.) no

9. Did the Iraq war stance of your candidate make up the majority of your decision to vote for them? No

10. How much, if any, impact did the VP choice of your candidate have to do with your decision? Why?
yes, only reason why I am voting.

VaQueenBee said...

1. Values and Principals
2. You Betcha! (not just voting, but working the polls)
3. Values and Principals
4. Kind of both, but mostly against the one I don't believe in.
5. No, Mike Huckabee
6. Not at all!
7. I'm looking at the individual running, not at our present pres...
8. No
9. No
10. I was pleasantly surprised with his choice, but I was planning on voting for him anyway.