Thursday, October 30, 2008

Are you a Mouse? (or Sheep would work too)

I found this picture on the web today and just had to share it. It is quite a terrific depiction of what is happening right now in this election. I'm all for change, but only if it is the right kind of change. Mr. BO does not offer any of the right kind of change. He offers only socialism, make no mistake.

I have written at great length about how scary it is that people "follow" Mr. BO without even knowing exactly what or whom they are following. If you try to bring up substance to most BO supporters they cry foul. They call you nit picky and the become offended. It is as if they think the man is completely infallible. It is impossible to have a calm political discourse with them. They refuse to even consider any negative information about "their man". If some of the current accusations were proven without a doubt, they would still vote for him and not care in the least. There are many reasons they are like this. The most common is the Bush hatred. They want someone, anyone from the other party because they perceive Bush and everyone else in the GOP are exactly the same. Let me say once and for all, John McCain is NOT George W. Bush. Some are voting for BO because they want to be a part of "History" by voting for the first Black President. Some are wooed by his charm and flowery words. It doesn't seem to matter what their reason is though, it only matters that they keep on "following" without question.

This kind of blind adoration and lock-step mentality brings up images in my mind of Hitlers Germany, Mussolini's Italy, or Stalin's Russia. It is frightening to me to see people almost worshiping this man. After all, no matter what they or he believe, he is only a man. Our Government was set-up to be a Government of the people, for the people, and by the people. It was set-up to have checks and balances. Leaders were not to have the kind of sway that a dictator or a traditional king would have. I for one will not "follow" and Political or governmental leader without question. I will not be a "sheeple".

That's my 2.6 cents, and I'm going to walk out of step with the adoring throngs on election day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WARNING! Please read carefully!


I wanted to send out an urgent warning to all of you for public service purposes. As you may be aware Mr. Obama has broken his campaign spending promises and is airing a thirty minute infomercial on all the major networks tonight. Not only is he proving that he has obvious un-American ideals by postponing the World Series by thirty minutes, but now we’ve learned that he may be attempting to hypnotize us with subliminal messages as well.

For years it has been a mystery what happened to what little objectivity the media still had left. We wondered why they follow every word BO says as if he were a god. We wondered why Hollywood and other celebrities fell prey to the same effect. Then when it had been assured for several years that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic Nominee, we wondered what happened to change the tide. Why did Democratic voters suddenly flock to Mr. Obama with unwavering loyalty?

Well, now we have found the answers. All of the folks who now follow after Mr. Obama have fallen by actually listening intently to him speak. They watch him in the debates, at a stump speech, or on his commercials and begin to be drawn in. Drawn in by what? We are not quite sure how, but it appears that subliminal messages are being sent while he is speaking. It is a clear form of brain washing. How else would you explain those who not only support him but actually refer to themselves as an Obama follower? We have learned that tonight’s infomercial (which is pushing back the World Series – how un-American) is full of half-truths, positions that are really not his, and full of outright pandering. It will also contain promises which can’t possibly be kept, piles of psychological babbling, and hatred aimed right at the heart of Mainstream America. What other subliminal messages might the infomercial contain? We are not quite sure.

We ask that you avoid this infomercial and all further Obama communications until after Election Day. I feel that I am strong enough to deal with it as I have been unaffected by previous attempts. But, I for one will not allow myself to be tempted or drawn in as a follower of any politician. So I will be avoiding the infomercial at all costs. Please don’t take chances; this content is highly volatile and harmful. So please stay clear of your television sets between 8pm and 8:30pm eastern time tonight. He may even be sending mind altering signals through the airwaves using the vertical interval (Yay, I fit in some TV techie stuff). You have seen what Mr. Obama has done to those his messages have reached. Some media members even say that he sends a chill up their leg (Chris Matthews). So please, heed this warning for your own sake. Then tune in for the World Series game at 8:35pm. This will allow five minutes for the disruptive signals to dissipate.

That’s my 2.5 cents. Please exercise caution and don’t take chances! This warning was brought to you as an inspiration from my beautiful wife.

It ain't over yet!

I’ve got myself in a bit of a predicament. I’ve always said I don’t believe polls, but I am excited by a trend in 2 of the major polls today. Rasmussen has Obama’s lead down to 3 points and Gallop has it down to 2. So am I giving up my lack of faith in the polls and embracing these numbers? NO! I don’t think the polls are much of an indication of anything except the volatility of public opinion. Again, I do not know 1 single person who has ever taken part in a poll. I think polls may show trends, but that is about it. My point is that you shouldn’t believe any of the polls, just get out and vote.

So, I say all that to say this. I have said for months not to believe the Hype or the endless prattle coming from the media. There is very little objectivity left anywhere, and anyone (including pollsters) can skew numbers anyway they want to say what they want. All I know is that this election is nowhere close to over and has never been. There are still a significant number of folks who have not yet made up their minds, and it could swing either way. I also believe that some will actually change their minds after entering the voting booth or standing in front of the touch screen. I heard several news stories out of Ohio last week on the early voting about just that. One lady actually said on camera that she was all set for months to vote for Obama, and then she just couldn’t do it and voted for McCain. The other problem with polls is that they often end up polling a lot of folks that don’t actually go out and vote, and they leave out many who refuse to be polled or are just quiet and then go vote.

I truly believe that the Obama campaign has become complacent in these last days and believes that a victory is virtually guaranteed. This is what Thomas Dewey thought in 1948 when all the polls had him with a huge lead over Truman. Well, we now know that the polls were very inaccurate because we’ve never had a President Dewey.

Tuesday is going to be a huge day for our country. We have a chance to vote in a president who will remain strong on defense, will let our troops win in Iraq, will cut your taxes, and will protect human life across the board. Or we may end up with a man who wants to spread your wealth around, will take our troops out of Iraq as losers, will be very soft with foreign leaders, and will surely raise your taxes and raise spending to all time highs. I didn’t even mention the half of it though. This man will not protect life, will socialize medicine, and will send the whole economy into a deep recession that we may not recover from. Which of these two men do you want to appoint new Supreme Court justices? I say John McCain. The differences are stark, and for me the choice is clear.

What ever you do, don’t listen to the hype. Don’t believe the talk of landslides and huge victory parties already being planned. Believe your heart and your love for your country, and get out and vote. Spread the word and don’t let up. Remember that hype is often trumped by real heart, experience, and skill. That is what the battle is here. Mr. Obama has all the money, all the media hype, all the swagger, and none of the experience or skill. Mr. McCain has the skill, knowledge, experience, and heart to lead. In the end I believe that substance will win out over fluff.

That’s my 2.5 cents. The fat lady hasn’t even warmed up just yet!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't believe the Hype

I have heard enough doom and gloom in the last few days to last a lifetime. Some folks are convinced that John McCain has no chance and BO has already won. Some have actually told me that they plan to stay home and not waste their time. I think these people must spend too much time watching TV news and reading print news. If that is all you listen to, then you may come to that conclusion.

On the other hand, if you use your brain and think on your own, you can be patient and resolved. I have not given up yet. John McCain can still win, and I am still trying to convince others who either aren’t voting or are voting for the dark side. I do not trust polls at all, and I think this will be an extremely close election. I feel the momentum starting to shift, but we only have one week.

So you must get out Next Tuesday and VOTE! However, if you plan to vote for Obama, than I’m OK with you choosing to just stay home! Remember that this election is very critical. If BO is elected, he will surely take us so far to the left that the foundation of this country will break irreparably. If he wins there is also a good chance he could achieve a full filibuster proof majority in both the House and Senate. If this happens, there would be no checks and balances at all. In this case the liberal Senate, House, and President would run roughshod across the constitution. I fear for our country with this kind of free and easy law making on either side, but from my perspective this is even more frightening. When they are through, we would more resemble a Socialist country than a Democratic Republic. We will surely have tax and spend like we’ve never seen before, not to mention Socialized health care and a weak military.

This is something I am not willing to stand by and let happen. I am campaigning for McCain as hard as I can right now in my own little world. I know some folks are not excited to vote for John McCain either. But I must tell you that not voting or voting for anyone but McCain is a vote for Obama. So please go out and vote, and mobilize as many as you can.

We must send a message on Tuesday. Many news organizations are already declaring BO the winner. This is wrong in so many ways, and could effect the outcome of the vote. So, just don't believe the hype. Don't get complacent and let the media or your friends talk you out of voting. Out right to vote and make a difference in our society is one of our most powerful rights. I for one will walk up to that voting machine first thing Tuesday morning and push that button proudly. Later the votes will be counted. So strip away the polls and the guesswork and the bias that you are hearing and stand up to be heard!

That’s my 2.5 cents, so please get out and Vote.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Please take a little survey!

OK, I’d like to try something so that I can better understand why people are planning to vote as they are. It will be easier for me to write about what will lead up to Election Day with some more data.

You will have to post a comment to this blog entry, but you may post it anonymously! So, here we go.

1. How do you usually vote, by party affiliation or by values and principals?

2. Are you voting in the Presidential race this year?

3. If you are voting, are you voting this year based on party affiliation or values and principals?

4. If you are voting, are you planning to vote for the candidate you believe in, or against the one you don’t believe in?

5. Is the candidate you are voting for the one you wanted in the primary stage of the campaign? If not, who was it?

6. Does race have anything to do with your vote?

7. Did the Bush Presidency help determine your vote, or are you voting based on the merits of these 2 men?

8. Are you campaigning for your candidate of choice? (T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.)

9. Did the Iraq war stance of your candidate make up the majority of your decision to vote for them?

10. How much, if any, impact did the VP choice of your candidate have to do with your decision? Why?

That’s my 2.5 cents. Thanks for your input.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Even O'Biden doesn't trust BO!

I almost forgot to post on the O'Biden comments from Sunday about Obama facing an international test within 6 months of becoming President. If you didn't hear it, here is a clip with several different news views of the comment:

It is clear that Mr. O'Biden still holds his views from when he was running against BO in the Democratic Primaries (See those opinions here: He agrees with me that BO is not ready to be President and that the world would see him as soft. We would be open to contries testing our "mettle" because they think BO would not respond. Say what you want about Mr. Bush, but noone dares test the man. He would surely respond firmly. Mr. McCain would also respond in a tough manner, and therefore would not be tested as the inexperienced BO.

I pray for the safety of our country that Mr. Obama loses this election, or we will surely be tested. I feel strongly that if BO is tested as President he would fail miserably. He is not ready to lead, and not ready to handle the world. I don't want his "change" in this area, and I say "No you can't"!

That's my peaceful 2.5 cents. I will withhold the anger for now!

If BO wasn't running for President. . .

. . . he would probably sound more like Barney Frank. No, I don't mean the accent or the lisp, I mean he would actually be saying what he truly believes.

I mean listen to this clip of Barney about raising taxes:

If there is one thing to mildly admire about Mr. Frank it is that he typically says what he thinks and stands for out loud. It is much easier to then vote intelligently on someone when they come out and say what their version of “Change” would look like. Mr. Frank has come right out in this clip and told us that he for one wants higher taxes on those horrible masses of rich people. So, that begs the question, how in the world does Frank keep getting reelected? He just so happens to have picked the right state.

Now back to Mr. BO. It is clear that his version of the word “Change” is a code word or a smoke screen. He really meant to say just what Mr. Frank said. He really means what he said to Joe (or is it Samuel?) the Plumber. He has lots of little surprises in store for America should he be elected. People like me are able to decode his messages and see through the smoke screens, but for some reason his flowery words leave most people in a euphoric state. They really think that his “Change” will be happy and good with no negative consequences. They may actually picture him as their Messiah as some have joked.

Let me just state it for the record. Mr. BO only wants you to feed his power and the power of Big Government. He only wants you to be more dependent on him and the Washington power structure. He wants you (yes, all of you) to pay higher taxes. He wants more and more social programs. He wants to be the hero of your medical care issues by controlling and limiting your choices and options. He wants full control.

You must look for the moments he lets these little lurking surprises slip. You must wise up to his brand of “Change”. I guarantee you will not like it, and America will not survive it.

My Hero Ronald Reagan once said: “Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

I will virtually guarantee you that quote is Mr. BO’s “life verse”.

That’s my 2.5 cents. Change that causes pain and costs a fortune is not good change.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe The Plumber Follow-up

I was all over the Joe the Plumber / Spread the wealth stuff before Mr. McCain made it cool! It's about time a politically motivated, hard working, bald guy got into this fight!

Joe is right, the Obama Tax plan will hurt any and all hard working Americans. Wealth distribution is wrong, and it is true class warfare at it's best. Joe got invited onto Fox News with Neal Cuvuto, and He's not happy:

I am nowhere close to the income level Joe is about to buy into, but the Obama tax plan will effect us all. Joe and all the other business owners who will be taxed a much higher rate by Mr. Obama will not take the decrease in funds and just smile. Nope! They will in-turn raise prices for their goods and services, and the "middle class" Mr. Obama wants to help will be hurt once again! And the business owners like Joe may also have to layoff some of those middle class folks that BO says he is trying to help! Please Mr. Obama, I don't need your kind of "help" nor does anyone in America!

Higher taxes is never the answer. We must make the Bush tax cuts permanent, cut spending, and cut taxes further!

That's my 2.5 cents until Mr. Obama taxes it away!

OH Yea, and here is my new song: Joe the Plumber, if he buys it. Joe the Plumber, BO will tax it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My observations from the last debate

*Please Mr. McCain stop with the boredom already. Right out of the box he is safe and mundane, and that will not get it done.

*Here we go. Second point he is going for the jugular now. He is attacking him on the Joe the plumber slip up I wrote on yesterday.

*Hurray he is hammering BO on the Spread the wealth around comment.

*Barack is struggling and off balance right now. He will not address the wealth spreading. McCain got the last word on it too.

*Nice comment fromMcCain on his spending plan being hatchet first and then scalple. Nicely played. I love the spending freeze idea too.

*It is a miracle. He just said what I have been begging for. BO tried his old tired tactic of comparing the budget of McCain to that of Mr. Bush. "I am not President Bush" McCain replied and then he said that if he wanted to run against Bush he should have run four years ago.

*I am taking a break now.

*They both side stepped the dirty campaigning question. McCain missed the opportunity to hammer the Ayres connection. Barack even just brought it up for him and McCain is not biting. Wait, here it is. McCain is unloading on him now. I agree we need to know the connection between Obama and Ayres. Obama is now downplaying the connection. If you do not have anything to do with him then why do you hang out with him?

*Obama tried to sidestep acorn too and McCain hit him on his huge donation to it. Then he hammered the Ayres thing again with a claim that BO started his presidential run in Ayers livin room, which seems to be true.

* Bresh of freth air. Haha. McCain with the tongue twister.

*Now we are slipping into boredom. z z z

*"I admire Sen. Obama's eloquence. but you have to listen to his words carefully". Very nice Mr. McCain.

*Aww Mr. BO is so nice. He wants to give me health care, and then raise my taxes to pay for it. Bigger government control equals less freedom and less money in my monthly real budget. No thanks.

*Wait. BO, why am I paying for a kitty?

*Alright, I am tired and I am going to bed. I will write more on the debate tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BHO: "Spread the wealth around"

I had to make sure you all heard this TODAY! I've been saying it, and most of us knew it, but now Mr. Obama has made it clear: he is a big time Socialist! When an upstart plumber asked Mr. Obama if his tax plan would hurt him, Mr. Obama's answer confirmed that he believes in wealth redistribution not freedom.

Here is the clip:

Spread the wealth around, was his answer. He even said it was a good thing. Freedom is cliche, and the new hip is "spread the wealth around". Translation: he wants to take our money and give it to the "poor" and end the class system. This is textbook socialism. Obama=Joe Stalin! He wants us who work hard and stick our neck out (like this plumber) to take our hard fought money and give it to the people who would rather sit at home and collect a government hand out than work for a living.

If this man is elected, everything the founders intended, everything we have worked for, was for naught. He will destroy the very fabric of our Free society. It is very clear that we are facing a possible president that embraces socialism and wants to move our society to a Socialist/Communist wasteland. Up to this point most Democrats (including Clinton(s), Kerry, and Gore) have all tried to hide socialist tendencies. They try to use the right key words and disguise what they mean. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. A few of us are smart enough to see through it, but most of America takes them at their word. Now, the gloves are off and so is the sheep costume. It is clear that we are facing a full on socialist, who would love nothing more thatn to destroy the American way that I love. He sees out Democratic Republic as out of date and not "world friendly". He wants to take us to a point of being part of the "New World Order", and take away our soverenty forever. I am aware that I sound a bit overboard to some of you. But I feel that it is time to wake up and realize what we are dealing with. I love America and I am going to stand up to this man. We must get the vote out for McCain no matter how we feel. I for one will not be lead to distruction by this Pied piper.

I fear that if this man is elected, the damage he could do to our great country would be too much to ever overcome. McCain may move us slightly to the left, but Obama will move us so far to the left that we will not even know what right is anymore. As I've said before, I'd rather be on the McCain Sail boat drifting to the left than on the Obama Jet Racing boat blazing to the left. Either way, we need a real conservative to step up to the plate for the 2012 election. We will have to see the creation of a true conservative third party for it to happen though.

Please get out on Election day, and defeat this man. Make sure everyone you know is aware of the truth. Don't allow your disappointment of the political process to sway you not to vote. We must vote for Mr. McCain to preserve our great country!

Thanks for the ammo Barack! Tell a friend!

That's my 2.5 cents.

Also, soon I will give a rant on Michelle Obama's comments that the soul of America is broken and that Barack is the only person to fix them. WOW! Again!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bradley's Forecast for 10/11/08

6am - 12noon - Temps between 56-65 With Humidity aoround 70%
12noon - 6pm - Temps between 62-74 With Humidity aoround 70%
6pm - 12mid - Temps between 65-52 With Humidity aoround 70%

AM: Partly Cloudy with a chance of some passing showers.
PM: Mostly clear and sunny with a small chance again of a passing shower.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Of Politics and Football

Since this election process is starting to bore me, I have been searching for a different perspective. The truth is that both of these guys are actually fairly close together in most of their philosophies. They both will lead us to bigger government. They both will seek to “help” me when I just want to be left alone. And lastly, they both hunger for power and fame and not what is truly the best for our country as a whole. They pander to voters all over the map, and yet their actually philosophies are rather tired and in concrete.

At the end of the day on November 4th, I will poke at John McCain’s name on my touch screen ballot. Why? Well, John McCain and I agree on the really meaningful stuff. We agree on life being an important thing to protect, and that a Baby has rights as well as the mother. We agree that we must win in Iraq, and not flee like dogs with our tails between our legs. We agree that we must drill for oil offshore (and in Alaska for me) and we must build more nuclear plants now. We agree that diplomacy should be done with a strong arm and we shouldn’t bow down before our enemies. So we do agree on quite a lot even though we disagree on many areas (especially this government buying bad mortgages thing, but that’s another topic for another day). Mr. Obama and I agree on zip, zero, nada!

Then I got thinking of other ways I could differentiate the two since they are fairly similar. So, I went to my favorite arena: the sports world. In both politics and sports, there are many people that would be considered successful to varying degrees. But, to me it comes down to style. So I will now try to relate the style of our 2 presidential candidates to that of some greatly successful players in the National Football League.

I would relate the style of John McCain to that of Drew Brees or Barry Sanders. Both were/are fantastic players with real skill and determination to beat the odds. However, both are very quiet and matter of fact people. They just keep plugging away towards the goals that they have; and don’t let detractors, failures, or fan opinion sway their resolve. They are both team players, and willing to sacrifice the glory if it means a win. They are stars of course, but without all the flash and baggage. They also both live and play with integrity and honor. Barry took it right to the end of his career when he left seemingly at the top. He pushed aside the accolades and the fame to leave on his own terms to do what he felt was right for him and his family. Both were/are consistent performers throughout their career. John McCain is much the same. He’s not afraid to go against the grain, but typically he is running below the radar. When all the Barack the rock star stuff was in full effect, you hardly heard from McCain at all. He was almost completely ignored by the media, but I think that is the way he likes it. But, don’t mistake that for lack of resolve. He will work amidst the fray to do the best that he can for the country.

I would conversely relate they style of Barack Obama to that of Terrell Owens or Jeremy Shockey. These guys are all about: “Me, Me, Me”. Neither is happy when they are not the star. Neither is happy when they are not getting thrown the ball enough. Neither are happy unless they are on TV once a day. They are attention hogs, and darlings of the media. They have both had success, but not to the degree of the promise they have shown. If you listen to them or their pals in the media they may be the best at their position ever. If you look at the stats and wins and losses, they don’t live quite up to that. They are an emotional drain on their coaches and their teammates. They have both destroyed team unity. Everyone always thought the Eagles teams with Owens on them should be Super Bowl contenders, but at some point every year Owens imploded and so did the team. Owens crazy celebration antics are always a distraction to the team as well. He has always been into something that takes the media focus to “TO” and off of the team. Shockey was a ball hog with the Giants, and always wanted Eli Manning to look to him first. Look at what happened last year when Shockey got hurt, and Manning felt like he could spread the ball around. They took off, Eil is suddenly great, and they won the Super Bowl. This guy is so selfish and focused on stardom, it’s not funny! Now take Mr. Obama. If you listen to the media, you would be sure that this man has the most leadership experience ever and a record of reform to go with it. You would think that the stardom he now has came from some really big accomplishments. He talks a big game (when he has a teleprompter). He goes on for hours about nothing, and yet the media keeps pumping the hype. He takes all of the credit (for what I don’t know), but never owns up to mistakes. He distracts from the political process, and has turned the whole thing into a circus (or maybe a Touchdown celebration). As far as success or real displayed leadership, I can’t seem to find much. As far as being a team player, I see no evidence of it. As far as serving anyone’s interest but his own, it’s just not happening.

So, as you can see I prefer Mr. McCain’s tried and true leadership under the radar to Mr. Obama’s empty rhetoric and lack of results. You use what ever method you choose to make up your mind. In my case I think I’ve found a good one!

That’s my 2.5 cents. So are you ready for some Football?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bradley's Weather for 10/9/08

Today's Forecast:

AM Drizzle to scattered showers, Chance of rain 50%.
PM Increasing clouds but warm, Chance of rain 65%

4am-8am Temps between 60 and 70, 85% humidity, and Barometric pressure at 29.00

8am-12noon Temps between 65 and 70, 84% humidity, and Barometric pressure at 29.00

12noon-4pm Temps between 65 and 70, 85% humidity, and Barometric pressure at 29.00

4pm-8pm Temps between 60 and 75, 85% humidity, and Barometric pressure at 29.00

8pm-12midnight Temps between 55 and 60, 85% humidity, and Barometric pressure at 28.00

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bradley's Forecast

10/6/08 (Lynchburg, VA) Forecast

Mostly Sunny all day, Warm, Chance of showers 5%

9am-12noon - Temperatures ranging from 54-64
12noon-4pm - Temperatures ranging from 64-76
4pm-10pm - Temperatures ranging from 76-54

Humidity betweem 60-90%
Barometric Pressure between 28.00-30.00

Friday, October 03, 2008

At War with the Wind

WWII Era author D.L. Sears has written a new book based on the Japanese Kamikaze attacks late in the war. The book is called "At War with the Wind" ( Dad Carl Spiron was an Electricians Mate on the Destroyer USS Haraden DD585 during this time. He has a very interesting story from this time period, and Mr. Sears interviewed him over the phone for part of the book. The book comes out on October 1st, but my dad already got his copy early. He is mentioned in the book, which is a deserved honor.

By the way, I can give a breif description of my dad's story. He was station in the Radar tower in the middle of the ship. Early on the morning of December 13th, 1944 he was switched with an officer who was on deck in the spray in the back of the ship. That very morning a Kamikazi hit the ship, right in the middle. Anyway, the book outlines the story even better and I will post more later. Here is some more info on his ship:

Bradley's Weather Forecast

My oldest son Bradley wants to be a meteorologist someday. He has had this as a goal since he was like 6 or 7 years old. A few years back he requested and got a wireless weather station of his own for Christmas. He has done and unofficial forecast for the family for several years. Now he has decided to try and prepare one more regularly. So, I will regularly try to post his forecasts here. i doubt it will be every day, but we'll see. He is very excited.

Today's Forecast: Mostly Sunny with highs in the upper 60's to low 70's. No real chance of rain in our area.

That's all he gave me today, but it will expand as time goes on!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

My different view of the VP Debate

**********Wait, one more thing. I thought I heard Palin call Joe O'Biden once last night, and now a friend just confirmed it for me. That is too funny. O'Biden, HAHA!

**********OK. That is about all I can take for now. I am tired. I will keep the debate on tivo and write more later.

OOOH one more thing. What is with all the crazy faces Biden makes in the split screen? He looks like a lunatic.

**********There you go pointing backwards Joe. She called him on his main tactic.

**********I am back momentarily. Sarah seems to be doing much better. Woah, she just rolled her eyes. Ha Ha.

**********OK time for a break for me to get ready for bed. I am starting to doze off.

**********OK, Sarah dropped the ball on the 2 same sex marriage questions. Talk about train wreck and sticking her foot in her mouth. She needed to shut him up after she left her first answer totally vague and instead she agreed with him. great.

**********Drill Baby Drill. Now shes back. Hit him with his own words girl.

**********Biden is now reminding me of the crazy dude from Lost in Space. What was his name?

Sarah is kind of stumbling a little now. Get it together girl.

**********I'm glad Joe is talking to people like me who are genious IQ people. I think he's most likely losing all the normal folks with his numbers and double speak. Sarah is keeping it simple.

**********Woo Hoo Biden wants Fairness. that's a code word for giving tax breaks to folks who don't have jobs and don't even pay taxes. How is it fair to single out the middle class for cuts? I am in the middle, but we all need cuts - yes even business owners Joe.

**********How much do you think Biden payed for that terrable hair transplant?

**********Biden appears to be set to repeat Obama's themes from the presidential debate. Its because of the failed economic policies of the Bush administration. They are doing their best to position McCain as just a Bush continuation.

Sarah seems a bit stiff right now. Come on old.coot.say something mean and get her fired up.

**********OK! Thank goodness for Tivo. I am just getting ready to finally start watching the debate. So, I start the thing and Sarah gets apoint right off the bat with her polite : "Nice to meet you. Hey, can I call you Joe?" She disarmed him right off the bat. He reminds me of a mean old used car salesman. Eww.

And isn't it great to see Gwen Aweful I mean Obama oops I mean Ifill toughing it out with her broken leg?

I plan to blog about the debate tonight

If things go well, I plan to do some blogging tonight during or after the Palin/Biden VP debate. It could be very interesting and entertaining. If I don't post tonight, I will tomorrow. I personally hope that "debate camp" hasn't turned Sarah into a Republican clone with talking points. We need her to just be Sarah, and rip Biden into shreads. If she is able to be herself and Biden is himself, everyone will love her and hate the mean old man. We'll see how it goes.

Here is a great article, and I hope she does "go on the attack!"

OH yea, and one more thing. I hope she calls him a liar at some point since that is what he has built his political career on!

That's my 2 cent preview!

Big Government has eaten the Real America!

I just wanted to take a minute and rant! I truly love America, and I consider myself more patriotic than most. However, a lot about our system seems to be broken. Who broke it? People! Specifically, the want and need of power and money has enticed our governmental and business leaders to make poor decisions that have poisoned the well. The current financial crisis is one obvious issue, but there are many more. The corruption ranges from Political system, to legal system, to medical system, to education system, and so on. It is wide ranging, and the issues are quite different in their presentation. However, the theme is clear amongst all of them. Big Government has eaten the Real America.

When the country started off, the laws were very simple and not very numerous. Most of the national laws were very common sense. Locally, other laws were put into place to keep the peace, but again they remained very simple. Now logically, as a country grows it needs more law and order. But, starting with the Great Depression, it all changed. F.D.R. came up with the great society concept, and began a long line of “if there is a problem just throw money at it”. People were tight on money or didn’t have a job, so the government gave them money. People couldn’t afford medical care, so the government paid for it. Not enough people were in “proper” schools, so the Government stepped in and took it over. And now we have Big financial institutions, Big Government, and Big Government Programs working together to kill the financial system with Sub-Prime Mortgages. What is the answer? Government (in this case the Senate) steps in and “rescues” us. Now typically, if a fireman were to show up to rescue someone who is trapped in a car they would use their own tools to do the rescuing. But in this case, the Government is using our tools to do the “rescuing”.

All of these instances share the same “fix”, and the same results. The Big Government attitude is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND with little care for where the money will come from. So they spend, and we pay. We pay in taxes, we pay at the pump, we pay higher interest rates, we pay more for groceries, and so forth. We work just as hard as always at the same pay rate, and yet pay more for everything. People are in the middle of expanding into families and taking on a mortgage and other expenses. Then the government steps in and says, don’t worry about not being able to afford a house. They offer Sub-Prime mortgages, people bite, and Viola we have a financial disaster. The disaster takes the form of rampant loan default, rampant, bankruptcy, rampant insurance claims, and a blur of other failures. But the government just continues to repeat they cycle over and over. Power and Money have made our government officials insane. By Albert Einstein’s definition, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But yet, they just keep heaping more and more BIG Government on trying to “fix” all the issues. The problem is that the more regulation and money they shove down our throats, the bigger the mammoth monster problems become!

So don’t wonder why we need rescuing. The media and the government would like us to believe that it is our fault. And it is to some small degree. But I believe that if they would just keep their hands out of my pie, I would be just fine thank you! I want to run my own life. I want to decide how I earn and spend my money. I want to judge my own investing strategy. I want to decide where to send my kids to school and not have my money stolen away to subsidize their failing school systems. I want to have a society where I’m not taxed to death to pay for program after program after program. I want to have choices. Continued increases in regulation simply rip away any and all options we have in America.

The only answer is for We the People to step up and say that we have truly had it. At this moment we can’t speak with our vote because all the political choices are quite the same. So, we need to find creative ways to be heard. We need to keep up the noise until they can’t take it anymore and real change actually happens. Woah! Sorry, I just took the short trip to Utopia! It was once exactly where we now live, and it can return, but only if we are ready to make it happen.

That’s my 2.5 cents. And boy do I feel better!