I just wanted to take a minute and rant! I truly love America, and I consider myself more patriotic than most. However, a lot about our system seems to be broken. Who broke it? People! Specifically, the want and need of power and money has enticed our governmental and business leaders to make poor decisions that have poisoned the well. The current financial crisis is one obvious issue, but there are many more. The corruption ranges from Political system, to legal system, to medical system, to education system, and so on. It is wide ranging, and the issues are quite different in their presentation. However, the theme is clear amongst all of them. Big Government has eaten the Real America.
When the country started off, the laws were very simple and not very numerous. Most of the national laws were very common sense. Locally, other laws were put into place to keep the peace, but again they remained very simple. Now logically, as a country grows it needs more law and order. But, starting with the Great Depression, it all changed. F.D.R. came up with the great society concept, and began a long line of “if there is a problem just throw money at it”. People were tight on money or didn’t have a job, so the government gave them money. People couldn’t afford medical care, so the government paid for it. Not enough people were in “proper” schools, so the Government stepped in and took it over. And now we have Big financial institutions, Big Government, and Big Government Programs working together to kill the financial system with Sub-Prime Mortgages. What is the answer? Government (in this case the Senate) steps in and “rescues” us. Now typically, if a fireman were to show up to rescue someone who is trapped in a car they would use their own tools to do the rescuing. But in this case, the Government is using our tools to do the “rescuing”.
All of these instances share the same “fix”, and the same results. The Big Government attitude is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND with little care for where the money will come from. So they spend, and we pay. We pay in taxes, we pay at the pump, we pay higher interest rates, we pay more for groceries, and so forth. We work just as hard as always at the same pay rate, and yet pay more for everything. People are in the middle of expanding into families and taking on a mortgage and other expenses. Then the government steps in and says, don’t worry about not being able to afford a house. They offer Sub-Prime mortgages, people bite, and Viola we have a financial disaster. The disaster takes the form of rampant loan default, rampant, bankruptcy, rampant insurance claims, and a blur of other failures. But the government just continues to repeat they cycle over and over. Power and Money have made our government officials insane. By Albert Einstein’s definition, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But yet, they just keep heaping more and more BIG Government on trying to “fix” all the issues. The problem is that the more regulation and money they shove down our throats, the bigger the mammoth monster problems become!
So don’t wonder why we need rescuing. The media and the government would like us to believe that it is our fault. And it is to some small degree. But I believe that if they would just keep their hands out of my pie, I would be just fine thank you! I want to run my own life. I want to decide how I earn and spend my money. I want to judge my own investing strategy. I want to decide where to send my kids to school and not have my money stolen away to subsidize their failing school systems. I want to have a society where I’m not taxed to death to pay for program after program after program. I want to have choices. Continued increases in regulation simply rip away any and all options we have in America.
The only answer is for We the People to step up and say that we have truly had it. At this moment we can’t speak with our vote because all the political choices are quite the same. So, we need to find creative ways to be heard. We need to keep up the noise until they can’t take it anymore and real change actually happens. Woah! Sorry, I just took the short trip to Utopia! It was once exactly where we now live, and it can return, but only if we are ready to make it happen.
That’s my 2.5 cents. And boy do I feel better!