I just wanted to send out one more plea on this election eve. I obviously have some firm beliefs on this election. I haven’t tried to hide it; as a matter of fact I’ve tried to scream it from the highest mountain.
I feel strongly that the choice is clear. Late last week, Mr. BO made it even more clear to me with his statement: "five days from now we will fundamentally change America". I don’t know about any of you, but I don’t want any politician from either side to “fundamentally change America”. Small change is always needed, but not changes to the very fabric of the constitution. Make no mistake; this is what BO means by that statement. He wants to fundamentally change us to a socialist society, and with a full Democratic House and Senate, he will.
Even though you will see six candidates for President on your ballot tomorrow, there are only two who are viable. So either way you will vote for either Obama or McCain. The way this election is tipping, a vote for anyone but McCain will turn out as a vote for Obama. There are those of us who are already solidly behind either McCain or Obama, but there are two other categories of folks who are still in play. There are a huge number of undecided or unsure folks out there. If you are in this area, please make an effort to inform your self today (I’d prefer you read my blog J), and please get out and vote. Then there are those of you who plan to vote for one of the fringe candidates. I was one of you several months ago. I was ready to just stay home because John McCain is not really my ideal candidate. However, as I do my due diligence and research, Mr. BO truly scares me. I can not allow my distaste for some of McCain’s policies to enable Obama to destroy our country. As I’ve said a million times, I would rather be on a slow moving sail boat to the left with Mr. McCain than on a huge jet racing boat to socialism with Mr. BO. Please understand that if you vote for anyone but McCain you are voting for Obama and helping to usher in his terrifying constitution damaging policies.
This election is not over yet no matter what the media and the corrupt pollsters try to tell you. Please don’t allow them to discourage you from voting. There are way to many undecided folks, and I believe many who plan to vote for BO will change their minds in the booth. And I still say that polls are way too erratic and slanted. Many Republicans are they type that refuse to tell the pollsters how they will vote, which is why most polls have more Democrats participating than Republicans. This slants things drastically. The only true poll is the one the whole of America will participate in tomorrow. I think turnout will be huge, and that part truly makes me proud to be am American.
So, do not give up and do not stay home and pout.
That’s my 2.5 cents. My prediction: McCain by 350,000 votes.
"My prediction: McCain by 350,000 votes."
I pray you're right, KC!
Hope you're feeling better!
You have to believe! Read my new post for even more info!
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