Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fed up

Some frustrated observations from a very tired and peeved me:

  • I do not know who my neighbors any more. I love that Bedford county went Republican huge, but without LU Lynchburg is Blue. I don't know my state anymore. Who are you people? I don't like you right now!
  • I need to move back to NC. It looks like McCain is making a comeback there. Way to go NC.
  • I am greatly disappointed with Pennsylvania. The man slapped you in the face, and you embraced him? What in the world are you thinking? It isn't even close.
  • Ohio is going BO as well. Unreal.
  • I want to move to Wyoming, where McCain is Slaughtering Obama.
  • Locally, the AP called the 5th District Congressional race for Virgil Goode with 50% of the precincts reporting. Perriello was in the lead then, and now with 95% reporting he still leads by a hundred or so votes and the AP had to "UNCALL" the race as too close to call. Dummies! Now it appears Perrielo will win.
  • For those who have voted to give us 4 years of BO socialism, I will be calling on you to pay my pending tax increase.
  • Congratulations, you just voted yourself a huge tax increase.
  • Mark my words, most BO voters will regret their vote within his first 6 months in office. We will be tested by other countries and terrorists just like Biden said.
  • Whomever the Republican candidate is in 2012 it doesn't matter. They will win in a landslide. My only hope is that they can undo some of the damage BO will inflict on our country.
  • Standby for the Fundamental change BO promised you, and then prepare yourself for the damage he does.
  • I'm exhausted and the news is over, so now I get to go home and wonder what happened to my country.

That is my 2.1 cents! More tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you realize this in a BIG part Bush's fault? Since he took office we have lost the house, congress and now presidency. His idea of "reaching across the aisle" has backfired on him. His legacy will be that he left the Republican party in really bad shape. McCain was obviously the media's choice not ours. Huckabee is not the answer either. He spends more money than Bush. Had he been the nominee I wouldn't have voted for him. I voted McCain because of Sarah otherwise I would have stayed home. Thanks Bush!