Wednesday, December 21, 2005

You better watch out, President Bush is listening! Scary!

Much to do about Wire Tapping!

I don't know about you, but I was just as shocked and aghast as the media at the revelation that President Bush would dare stoop to spying on American Citizens in the name of stopping domestic terrorism! NOT! OK, here is one where the media needs to get over themselves and the fake shock act.

Wiretapping by the government has gone on since the technology has existed. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise. It is a fact that both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton sent out executive orders to authorize the use of electronic surveillance. Clinton went so far as to say that even infrared scanning of private homes was OK. What, you've never heard about this? Of course you have not. It would only have come from tiny little voices like me screaming against the whirlwind of obnoxious media voices whining about the vast right wing conspiracy. The talking heads have most likely seen leaks of the info on both Clinton and Carter and immediately had the truth shredded. They chose to go with this particular leak about President Bush for the same reason they make ALL of their decisions. They all base the formula for content selection on their own liberal bias and slant. They ignore things when they would hurt their ideology, slam the ones that hurt those on the other side, and then vehemently claim to be unbiased. If you believe them, you are not being honest with yourself.

There are 2 main points to consider here. The first is the whether or not you feel the President has America's best interests at heart. Even though I do feel he has made some decisions in his administration that I do not agree with, I do feel he wants my country to be safe and free. On the issue of wire tapping without a warrant, I am somewhat torn, but this is not just random spying on just anyone. There is a part of me that agrees with Benjamin Franklin when he said: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." However, Benjamin Franklin never saw September 11th and the vehement hatred hurled upon America by Islamist extremists. Yes, old Ben did see the tyranny of the British crown towards the new America, but I dare say the tactics of that war were much different and yes more civilized. I’ll bet the American government used any and all spying techniques that were available in World War II. I would guess that most if not all Germans and Japanese in America at the time were spied on at some point. It just makes sense to keep track of potential enemy combatants even if they are American Citizens. Have we not already seen the treasonous activities by citizens such as Johnny Walker Lindh, Jose Padilla, Adam Yahiye Gadahn (or Azzam the American), and various sleeper cell participants? We all need to wake up and realize that we are facing a totally new enemy with totally new tactics and techniques. I for one will support the President in this particular method of spying. My main reason is that I feel no threat from this spying. I am not an Arab, nor have I had any involvement in any anti-American activities. We need to stay focused and understand that these are the folks who are being targeted, not just the average Joe and Jane folks around us. I want the government to know where these folks are and what they are planning.

The second point is the crazy way the media has jumped on this like it is the biggest story ever. They report it like it is the first time it has every happened, and that no other President would ever have done such a thing. Consider the depths the media will go to in an attempt to hurt this administration. That is the reason we are having such an issue with leaks. These vipers put their job advancement and their left-leaning ideology in front of the security of their country, and they dig deeper than anyone would ever have dared before. They are power hungry vermin. I dare say if a reporter had used some of these tactics in the WWII era, they would have been fired immediately and possible brought up on charges of treason. What's that, you think I'm crazy? Well I am, but in this case I'm on the money. The fact that anyone reading this thinks I'm off base is a testimony of how far we have gone in the wrong direction.

Bottom line, do better than me and just ignore the noise. I can't turn it off myself; it's just like staring at a car wreck. It is all worthless Guano (bat dung for your normal folks). So turn it OFF!

That's my 2 cents! Now I leave you with the words of George Orwell (no, not "Big Brother is watching you"): "All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. If you walk down the street and say "Hey Mr./Mrs. Arab are YOU a terrorist?" Of course they will say no. Some tell the truth, some lie. I would much rather the President use a little executive clout to bend the law (still not sure he broke it, arent wiretaps only inadmisable without a warrant?) and catch these nutbuckets then have my life in jeopardy. Also, on Hannity the other day, they were playing Clinton from when he decided to bomb Iraq to divert attention from his legal troubles with Ms. Lewinski and it sounded a lot like what President Bush is saying today. Interesting don't you think.