The Theoretical Relationship between Abortion and the Democratic Party’s 2004 Presidential Election LOSS!
(AKA: They are killing off their Voters)
To be fair, I should preface my comments with the disclaimer that this document is filled with theory, conjecture and opinion. Yes, of course there are quite a few facts too, but I felt like I’d keep more readers longer if I got the disclaimer out of the way off the top.
I was driving down the road in my beat up little truck one day in November ’04 about 3 or 4 days after the huge win by President George W. Bush over John Kerry in the ’04 Presidential Election. I was thinking to myself about all of the positive things I had learned in those few days. I had confirmed that the Red States on the map had spread and were dominating the landscape. The Blue States were fewer and more concentrated than ever. I had learned that the most important reasons for those folks voting for Mr. Bush were Faith, Character, and Values. I had learned that even though the turn out and total vote numbers were bigger than ever, for once that was a great thing for Republicans. Of course, the alphabet channels made sure in their coverage all election night to point out that a large turnout had traditionally been a good thing for Democrats. But this time they were wrong. I saw a referendum on the President and Patriotism, and both came out victorious.
Then, I started to puzzle (as I’m known to do) as to why some of these changes were taking place. Were that many people really behind the Iraq war effort and our soldiers after all? Was it because the Republicans and Mr. Bush got their points across better? Was it because so many of us were genuinely scared of what a president Hanoi Kerry might do? All these questions might add up to get us close to the real answer, or is there another possible dynamic at work?
I, for one, think there is. I believe, bluntly, that the liberal movement has begun a process that will eventually lead to the extinction of their kind unless they stop it. It is the slow process of aborting their voter base. I know it may sound a little far fetched, but if you’ll let me try to state my case I think you will be surprised how intrigued you are by the whole idea.
The Theory:
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United Stated sent down a decision in the case of Roe v. Wade. It was and still is to this day one of the most controversial cases in the history of this court. It legalized abortion, and paved the way for state funded abortion and abortion on demand. Then the liberal movement got fully behind the Abortion Band Wagon and shoved it through conservative America as hard and fast as they could. So, began a slow process of eliminating lives that would have become useful members of our society. It did take a while before abortion numbers grew as high as they are today (estimated at 1.3 to 1.5 million per year), but not as long as you may think. As a matter of fact, the numbers show a climb that took roughly 5 years to reach the current range. In 1978 estimates show a number of roughly 1,409,600 abortions in America. So, let’s say that the real impact of this grotesque process began to really take its toll in 1978. So, had those children been allowed to live, they would have been in the range of 26 years old by the 2004 election. Now, my theory asserts that a majority of those abortions were performed on liberal mothers. It seems to make sense because they were the ones fighting so hard for “equal rights” and the “right to choose”. I could go down a whole other rabbit trail about that “right”, but I will stay on topic and save those comments for another day.
Now add that in the same time span those on the religious right were very concerned and outraged about those lost lives. This was a life changing thought for many that affected them deeply. The fact that our great country, founded on Christian principals, had strayed this far from God was just unbelievable. Many of those families begin to have more children. Why? Because of a love and respect for life. This would seem to be backed up by statistics that show birth rates staying steady in this time rather than dropping from the million plus abortions per year. As liberal families were killing off their possible offspring, the religiously committed were having more children. I believe that this social dynamic has begun to affect the political landscape, and the gap will widen slowly in years to come.
So, let’s say that leading up to this election we really were (as news reports stated) registering more young voters than ever. We know that many 18 year olds don’t register right away, but instead they wait to vote for their first time until well into their 20s. So, using this common sense and logic, we would say that many in their mid to late 20s were voting for the first time in 2004. Using my theory, young voters were dominated by the religious right rather than liberals because there were simply more left. They have shot themselves in the foot by killing off their future voter base, and therefore there were fewer voting along their party line. Now this line of thinking leads me to a time when the gap will be even wider as they continue to kill off their children and we (conservatives) continue to have larger families in comparison.
I don’t know about you, but I choose to believe this theory is fact. No, it is not just because it came out of my head. It is because it just makes sense. I believe that abortion is the murder of a child, and therefore a sin. And the Bible says that our sins will find us out. I believe that their depravity, selfish indulgence, and lack of care for life is leading to their own political demise. Now, it could be that it makes sense to me because it makes me happy to think of the liberals having fewer and fewer voters to share in their goal of destruction of our founder’s God centered country. They would like nothing better than an ACLU controlled, humanistic, UN loving, socialistic society where the name God is never mentioned. As we close in on the end times, who knows if this will happen. But I do know that in the end God will have the last say. He will judge them for all of those innocent lives they have eliminated. In the mean time; I can pray for these lost babies and their families. I do have a heart and a soul, and it does go out to them. I pray that God will get a hold of these lives through the testimony of our President and those of us in the “Religious Right” who believe that what they are doing is wrong. There is still hope for a second reformation, and I pray that I will see it in my lifetime if Jesus tarries that long before his wonderful return.
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