December 13, 2005
On Dec. 13th 1944 My father Carl Spiron was on Board the USS Heraden DD585 in the Pacific ocean near the Philippines. To be precise, they were in a convoy near the small island called Mindoro.
He had been stationed in the Radar Tower, but was moved that morning to the back of the ship where he could get splashed by more sea spray. It seems there was a new officer on board who was straight out of college and wanted to trade spots.

So, early that morning 4 Japanese aircraft came over the island on attack towards the ships. The crew of the Haraden is credited with assisting in the downing of 3 of the planes. My dad says that there was so much confusion and so many shells flying through the air, who knows who shot them down. But the 4th plane dove down into the middle of the ship in a Kamakaze attack, resting (as you can see from the picture above) right where the radar tower used to be. In all 14 men were killed and 24 were wounded. My dad was also a fireman, and had to remove the dead an wounded and fight the fire. But, for me, the significant part of the story is that because he was moved Seaman Spiron lived to fight another day, and to be my dad. Oh the Providence of God.
I am writing this short account today on the anniversary of this attack to pay tribut to ALL the men on that ship and in any area in that terrable war. We too often forget their sacrifice and the mental toll they paid. So, thanks Dad and all the other men who put country in front of self and fought to preserve our great country. I feel that I must try to get this word out, because heaven knows that the liberal media of today would not report this or any other war happening in a positive way. I shudder to think what a headline for a story on this attack might read like today. Probably one of these: "US Ship takes out aggression on innocent Japanese pilots", "Terrors Deck Guns: The downing of 4 Japanese Planes", "US Terror attacks down 4 Japanese Freedom Fighters", "Captain says Self Defense, Investigation begins". It is sad that we have gone so far in the wrong direction so quickly. If there were people who thought the US was bad or wrong in the WWII era they were a silent few. Now, the media is so powerful that even though they are still the minority, there's in the only viewpoint they air.
So, take some time an encourage, pray for our veterans. Hold them up as shining examples to our younger generation. I am afraid that if we do not do something soon, the lives of the 14 men on that ship (and all the others in all our wars) will have been lost in vain. Take pride in this country, and give no apologies for who we are and what we stand for.
That's my 2 cents
Follow the link below to the full DANFS entry for the USS Haraden DD585
Wow, cool story K.C.
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