Thursday, December 15, 2005

WOW! You're kidding me!


Earlier this week I was driving down the road listening to ESPN radio and the Dan Patrick show. Hey, every once in a while I have to have some senseless entertainment. They went to a news break at the top of the hour. The local station carries ABC radio news. It never ceases to amaze me that every story has a liberal twist to it on this newscast.

Well the story of the day was President Bush giving a speech in Philadelphia, the Birthplace of the American Democracy. He was there to deliver a speech about the historical significance of the Iraqi parliamentary Elections. In the speech the President, or as the refer to him "Mr Bush" (they refuse to call him President - listen closely, you'll see) stated that much of the intelligence he used as part of the reason to go to war with Iraq turned out to be wrong. He went on to say that he still made the right decision and that the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein. Then he said the comment this news anchorette keyed on. He said that over 30,000 Iraqui Civilians have died during the war. He also mentioned the number of American serviceman who have been lost. At the end of his sound bite, the woman said the following: "already, these comments have calmed some of Mr. Bush's opponents. This is the first real evidence that he is paying close attention to the real cost of this war." WHAT! I stared at the unknowing radio (it didn't stare back) with complete disgust. Did I hear that right. This is when I wish they made TIVO for the car radio. But, I know that is what she said. OK, let's run this through my obviously better than average logic. He is the commander and chief of the American armed forces. He set a huge amount of troops into harms way. He talks constantly about the progress and about the loss of life. His defense officials brief him on most days. He and his cabinet have been instrumental in helping to establish the new constitution and government in Iraq. Yet somehow, this brilliant (probably Harvard or Brown graduate) news lady thinks he has just now realized there is a war going on.

HEY LADY! Just because he doesn't call you and chat about the war, and just because he doesn't brief the country about every step in the war effort doesn't mean he is not instrumental in the planning and execution of the war. They have had a plan (not a perfect one I agree) from day one and have changed and tweaked it as needed. War is not a pretty or an easy thing. It is not cut-and-dried and it is not black-and-white. I know things must be that way in your world, but I dare say that the managers above you have some plans and knowledge that they don't share with you. Yes, Really! Same thing goes here.

So, please chill out and give the man and his people a break. You and your type are helping to put more lives into danger with your senseless and treason dripping monologues than he ever has!

That's my 2.5 cents!

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