Today, I am facing irony clean in the face. It is an irony that I seem to face every year at this time. It seems clear to me that in the fight between life and death, life should always win. However, in our world, there are those who vehemently disagree. There are, it seems, times when life is no longer a concern. Death is a “choice” for them that clearly overrides life.
Yesterday was the anniversary of the controversial Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision that made Abortion legal in the United States. I will not go into all of the details of Abortion in this entry, but I will clearly state that I am 100% against abortion. I do however think of how far we’ve come since 1973 in this issue. The 2 sides of the issue are still completely adamant that they are correct, and more separated than ever in ideology. More importantly, the issue has become even bigger. Since 1973, we also have to worry about: Late-term abortions, Partial-birth abortion, and State/Federal/tax-subsidized abortion.
So the irony for me is the way the other side can totally ignore what most would consider the #1 protected entity – life. Even more staggering is the main reason they state for the justification of terminating life – choice. It is utterly sickening to me that some people believe that their “right” to choose the death of another human life is more important than life itself. It doesn’t matter the reason in my book, it is still choosing death over life. I guarantee that there would be plenty of willing adoptive parents waiting in line for these babies if the mothers would choose the obvious choice of life. It wouldn’t hurt if the government would get out of the way of adoption and make the process more simple and inexpensive either.
Now, let’s move on to the topic that originally caused me to write this today. As I hear the media report about the National Right to Life day activities in Washington, one thing is clear. Political correctness and political pressure has totally hurt the cause for life. First of all I would prefer they not call the March a Protest, but that is an issue of semantics. It is hard for me to think of it as a protest when these people are speaking out for life. So, it is odd for me to think of speaking out for saving life as a “protest”. Secondly, it amazes me how the media refers to the 2 sides. The folks who agree with aborting living babies are the “pro-choice supporters”, and those of us who are for saving innocent children who don’t get a choice are “anti-abortion activists”. Do you see the way those terms set the 2 sides up? The “Pro-choice” folks are painted as obviously the most rational and therefore supporters of choice. The “anti-abortion” folks are painted as scary, irrational activists who are against the establishment. Wow, what a built-in promotional tool for the pro-abortion crowd. I think if they are going to be referred to as pro-choice, then call us pro-life or anti-death like we would like. Or if you insist on calling us anti-abortion, then call them anti-life or pro-abortion. It is a totally unfair position that all the media takes as a whole (even FOXNEWS). Listen for yourself and see if I’m right – I am!
Anyway, it appears that something is going to come to a head in 2006 with this issue. It appears that Samuel Alito is going to be installed as a Supreme Court Justice to replace Sandra Day-O’Conner in the next week or so. We also have the recently appointed Chief Justice John Roberts. It appears that both of these men lean towards the conservative side and would vote “pro-life”. Yesterday it came out that the South Dakota legislature is going to bring up a bill for a statewide ban on Abortion in 2006. There are other Abortion related cases already in appeals court as well. One example is the New Hampshire parental notification law that the Supreme Court sent back down to the lower court after the appeals court overturned the law. I’m not sure what will happen, but I am encouraged by comments from President Bush to the March for life rally yesterday. "The self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient," Bush said. "These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children." The pro-life movement, he said, "is a cause that appeals to the conscience of our citizens and is rooted in America's deepest principles. And history tells us that with such a cause, we will prevail."
One thing is for sure, our father God is in control. God loves all human life; his word makes that point clear. As a father myself, I can not imagine making the choice to abort a life under any circumstance. No matter how you justify this choice it is, at the heart, a choice for DEATH! God rest those innocent children who never got the chance to make any choices or be heard at all. They did nothing worthy of being destroyed; and yet selfish, depraved people (their own flesh and blood) chose to kill them. I can only speak up in their favor, and wait on the Lord my God for his resolution of the topic. It will happen in his time and in his mighty, just, and loving way!
That is my 2 cents. Please pray for life and morn the 40+ million children that have been aborted since 1973!
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