Much to do about Wire Tapping!
I don't know about you, but I was just as shocked and aghast as the media at the revelation that President Bush would dare stoop to spying on American Citizens in the name of stopping domestic terrorism! NOT! OK, here is one where the media needs to get over themselves and the fake shock act.
Wiretapping by the government has gone on since the technology has existed. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise. It is a fact that both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton sent out executive orders to authorize the use of electronic surveillance.
There are 2 main points to consider here. The first is the whether or not you feel the President has
The second point is the crazy way the media has jumped on this like it is the biggest story ever. They report it like it is the first time it has every happened, and that no other President would ever have done such a thing. Consider the depths the media will go to in an attempt to hurt this administration. That is the reason we are having such an issue with leaks. These vipers put their job advancement and their left-leaning ideology in front of the security of their country, and they dig deeper than anyone would ever have dared before. They are power hungry vermin. I dare say if a reporter had used some of these tactics in the WWII era, they would have been fired immediately and possible brought up on charges of treason. What's that, you think I'm crazy? Well I am, but in this case I'm on the money. The fact that anyone reading this thinks I'm off base is a testimony of how far we have gone in the wrong direction.
Bottom line, do better than me and just ignore the noise. I can't turn it off myself; it's just like staring at a car wreck. It is all worthless Guano (bat dung for your normal folks). So turn it OFF!
That's my 2 cents! Now I leave you with the words of George Orwell (no, not "Big Brother is watching you"): "All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting".
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
You better watch out, President Bush is listening! Scary!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Really, I was right again?
According to a new study from a UCLA political science professor, the media (in fact) leans to the left. I didn't need a report to tell me that, but is is very interesting. All you have to do is watch, listen, or read. If you can't be honest and see it as clear as the nose on your face, you are not being honest at all. You can not absorb the vast majority of news outlets for more the 1 minute without being hit in the head with a liberal comment. They are usually slightly veiled, but there are those who will just smack you in the head with a blunt comment.
As I've said before, pay attention to how many outlets actually refer to President Bush as "President" and not just "Mr. Bush", very few. See if they report just the facts, or if they throw out a opinion phrase or 2. Notice how many negative stories are reported on Republicans (and with how much venem), and how few are reported on Democrats. It is not hard to see the embellisments and omissions. Just take some time today and see what you think. But in the mean time check out the link below to an article on the UCLA study!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
WOW! You're kidding me!
Earlier this week I was driving down the road listening to ESPN radio and the Dan Patrick show. Hey, every once in a while I have to have some senseless entertainment. They went to a news break at the top of the hour. The local station carries ABC radio news. It never ceases to amaze me that every story has a liberal twist to it on this newscast.
Well the story of the day was President Bush giving a speech in Philadelphia, the Birthplace of the American Democracy. He was there to deliver a speech about the historical significance of the Iraqi parliamentary Elections. In the speech the President, or as the refer to him "Mr Bush" (they refuse to call him President - listen closely, you'll see) stated that much of the intelligence he used as part of the reason to go to war with Iraq turned out to be wrong. He went on to say that he still made the right decision and that the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein. Then he said the comment this news anchorette keyed on. He said that over 30,000 Iraqui Civilians have died during the war. He also mentioned the number of American serviceman who have been lost. At the end of his sound bite, the woman said the following: "already, these comments have calmed some of Mr. Bush's opponents. This is the first real evidence that he is paying close attention to the real cost of this war." WHAT! I stared at the unknowing radio (it didn't stare back) with complete disgust. Did I hear that right. This is when I wish they made TIVO for the car radio. But, I know that is what she said. OK, let's run this through my obviously better than average logic. He is the commander and chief of the American armed forces. He set a huge amount of troops into harms way. He talks constantly about the progress and about the loss of life. His defense officials brief him on most days. He and his cabinet have been instrumental in helping to establish the new constitution and government in Iraq. Yet somehow, this brilliant (probably Harvard or Brown graduate) news lady thinks he has just now realized there is a war going on.
HEY LADY! Just because he doesn't call you and chat about the war, and just because he doesn't brief the country about every step in the war effort doesn't mean he is not instrumental in the planning and execution of the war. They have had a plan (not a perfect one I agree) from day one and have changed and tweaked it as needed. War is not a pretty or an easy thing. It is not cut-and-dried and it is not black-and-white. I know things must be that way in your world, but I dare say that the managers above you have some plans and knowledge that they don't share with you. Yes, Really! Same thing goes here.
So, please chill out and give the man and his people a break. You and your type are helping to put more lives into danger with your senseless and treason dripping monologues than he ever has!
That's my 2.5 cents!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
This started it all - Written in the Fall of 2004
(AKA: They are killing off their Voters)
To be fair, I should preface my comments with the disclaimer that this document is filled with theory, conjecture and opinion. Yes, of course there are quite a few facts too, but I felt like I’d keep more readers longer if I got the disclaimer out of the way off the top.
I was driving down the road in my beat up little truck one day in November ’04 about 3 or 4 days after the huge win by President George W. Bush over John Kerry in the ’04 Presidential Election. I was thinking to myself about all of the positive things I had learned in those few days. I had confirmed that the Red States on the map had spread and were dominating the landscape. The Blue States were fewer and more concentrated than ever. I had learned that the most important reasons for those folks voting for Mr. Bush were Faith, Character, and Values. I had learned that even though the turn out and total vote numbers were bigger than ever, for once that was a great thing for Republicans. Of course, the alphabet channels made sure in their coverage all election night to point out that a large turnout had traditionally been a good thing for Democrats. But this time they were wrong. I saw a referendum on the President and Patriotism, and both came out victorious.
Then, I started to puzzle (as I’m known to do) as to why some of these changes were taking place. Were that many people really behind the Iraq war effort and our soldiers after all? Was it because the Republicans and Mr. Bush got their points across better? Was it because so many of us were genuinely scared of what a president Hanoi Kerry might do? All these questions might add up to get us close to the real answer, or is there another possible dynamic at work?
I, for one, think there is. I believe, bluntly, that the liberal movement has begun a process that will eventually lead to the extinction of their kind unless they stop it. It is the slow process of aborting their voter base. I know it may sound a little far fetched, but if you’ll let me try to state my case I think you will be surprised how intrigued you are by the whole idea.
The Theory:
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United Stated sent down a decision in the case of Roe v. Wade. It was and still is to this day one of the most controversial cases in the history of this court. It legalized abortion, and paved the way for state funded abortion and abortion on demand. Then the liberal movement got fully behind the Abortion Band Wagon and shoved it through conservative America as hard and fast as they could. So, began a slow process of eliminating lives that would have become useful members of our society. It did take a while before abortion numbers grew as high as they are today (estimated at 1.3 to 1.5 million per year), but not as long as you may think. As a matter of fact, the numbers show a climb that took roughly 5 years to reach the current range. In 1978 estimates show a number of roughly 1,409,600 abortions in America. So, let’s say that the real impact of this grotesque process began to really take its toll in 1978. So, had those children been allowed to live, they would have been in the range of 26 years old by the 2004 election. Now, my theory asserts that a majority of those abortions were performed on liberal mothers. It seems to make sense because they were the ones fighting so hard for “equal rights” and the “right to choose”. I could go down a whole other rabbit trail about that “right”, but I will stay on topic and save those comments for another day.
Now add that in the same time span those on the religious right were very concerned and outraged about those lost lives. This was a life changing thought for many that affected them deeply. The fact that our great country, founded on Christian principals, had strayed this far from God was just unbelievable. Many of those families begin to have more children. Why? Because of a love and respect for life. This would seem to be backed up by statistics that show birth rates staying steady in this time rather than dropping from the million plus abortions per year. As liberal families were killing off their possible offspring, the religiously committed were having more children. I believe that this social dynamic has begun to affect the political landscape, and the gap will widen slowly in years to come.
So, let’s say that leading up to this election we really were (as news reports stated) registering more young voters than ever. We know that many 18 year olds don’t register right away, but instead they wait to vote for their first time until well into their 20s. So, using this common sense and logic, we would say that many in their mid to late 20s were voting for the first time in 2004. Using my theory, young voters were dominated by the religious right rather than liberals because there were simply more left. They have shot themselves in the foot by killing off their future voter base, and therefore there were fewer voting along their party line. Now this line of thinking leads me to a time when the gap will be even wider as they continue to kill off their children and we (conservatives) continue to have larger families in comparison.
I don’t know about you, but I choose to believe this theory is fact. No, it is not just because it came out of my head. It is because it just makes sense. I believe that abortion is the murder of a child, and therefore a sin. And the Bible says that our sins will find us out. I believe that their depravity, selfish indulgence, and lack of care for life is leading to their own political demise. Now, it could be that it makes sense to me because it makes me happy to think of the liberals having fewer and fewer voters to share in their goal of destruction of our founder’s God centered country. They would like nothing better than an ACLU controlled, humanistic, UN loving, socialistic society where the name God is never mentioned. As we close in on the end times, who knows if this will happen. But I do know that in the end God will have the last say. He will judge them for all of those innocent lives they have eliminated. In the mean time; I can pray for these lost babies and their families. I do have a heart and a soul, and it does go out to them. I pray that God will get a hold of these lives through the testimony of our President and those of us in the “Religious Right” who believe that what they are doing is wrong. There is still hope for a second reformation, and I pray that I will see it in my lifetime if Jesus tarries that long before his wonderful return.

OK here we go on the latest hot button issue. Everywhere you go, everyone is afraid to say it. You know, it is the terrible "C" word: CHRISTMAS! OH no, I'm in trouble now!
It started when I was just a child with Merry "X"mas being substituted. Then it went to Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays. Now you see those phrases everywhere and no Merry Christmas can be found. Unless of course you are "insensitive" like me. Then today I saw a sign where I live that said the city "Winter Lights Display" was sponsored by certain businesses. The over-commercialization of Christmas aggravates me as well. Because of this Christ is already hidden behind Santa and all of the presents and stuff. But that is not enough for the over-sensitive folks, NO! Now Christ is being blotted out completely, and they will not stop until you never hear that name again. You see, the point never was the fact that they are offended. They just don't want Christ's name around at all.
OK here is my Problem with all of this. I have no issues with saying Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays to someone you don't know if you think you might offend them. Although, if the truth be told, I think everyone needs to relax and stop with the "I'm Offended" whining (that's another post for another day). Where I draw the line is when folks take things that are traditional Christmas celebration Items and change the name. It is a Christmas tree, those are Christmas lights, they are Christmas Presents, and for Pete's sake put Merry Christmas on the cards. I had no idea that folks that celebrate something other than Christmas or nothing at all used trees, lights, or any of those things. So, how do we offend anyone who is not a Christian when we call items that they don't use for their celebrations or lack thereof Christmas this or that? We don't! They just want to eliminate Christ from this country that was founded on his name.
So, I'm just not going to take it any more. To me it will always be Christmas. I will say Merry Christmas everywhere I go. I'll holler it from the top of a mountain if I have to. I don't hear any Christians asking that the words Hanukkah or Kwanza be silenced. We are supposed to be the hatemongers and the "our way is the only way" people, but we are the ONLY ones not trying to take someone's preferred religious terms or celebrations away.
That's my 2 cents, so back off!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Dec 13th, significant in my family

December 13, 2005
On Dec. 13th 1944 My father Carl Spiron was on Board the USS Heraden DD585 in the Pacific ocean near the Philippines. To be precise, they were in a convoy near the small island called Mindoro.
He had been stationed in the Radar Tower, but was moved that morning to the back of the ship where he could get splashed by more sea spray. It seems there was a new officer on board who was straight out of college and wanted to trade spots.

So, early that morning 4 Japanese aircraft came over the island on attack towards the ships. The crew of the Haraden is credited with assisting in the downing of 3 of the planes. My dad says that there was so much confusion and so many shells flying through the air, who knows who shot them down. But the 4th plane dove down into the middle of the ship in a Kamakaze attack, resting (as you can see from the picture above) right where the radar tower used to be. In all 14 men were killed and 24 were wounded. My dad was also a fireman, and had to remove the dead an wounded and fight the fire. But, for me, the significant part of the story is that because he was moved Seaman Spiron lived to fight another day, and to be my dad. Oh the Providence of God.
I am writing this short account today on the anniversary of this attack to pay tribut to ALL the men on that ship and in any area in that terrable war. We too often forget their sacrifice and the mental toll they paid. So, thanks Dad and all the other men who put country in front of self and fought to preserve our great country. I feel that I must try to get this word out, because heaven knows that the liberal media of today would not report this or any other war happening in a positive way. I shudder to think what a headline for a story on this attack might read like today. Probably one of these: "US Ship takes out aggression on innocent Japanese pilots", "Terrors Deck Guns: The downing of 4 Japanese Planes", "US Terror attacks down 4 Japanese Freedom Fighters", "Captain says Self Defense, Investigation begins". It is sad that we have gone so far in the wrong direction so quickly. If there were people who thought the US was bad or wrong in the WWII era they were a silent few. Now, the media is so powerful that even though they are still the minority, there's in the only viewpoint they air.
So, take some time an encourage, pray for our veterans. Hold them up as shining examples to our younger generation. I am afraid that if we do not do something soon, the lives of the 14 men on that ship (and all the others in all our wars) will have been lost in vain. Take pride in this country, and give no apologies for who we are and what we stand for.
That's my 2 cents
Follow the link below to the full DANFS entry for the USS Haraden DD585
Let's start on the lighthearted side.

Dec. 13th
What a great story! I am a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg ,Virginia where I still live. I also love sports, especially the NFL! Well, over the years little lowly Liberty has had very few NFL stories to talk about. There was Kelvin Edwards a Wide out for the Cowboys in the early 90s. There was Eric Green a huge Tight end for the Steelers in the 90s who snorted his success away (great testamony there). There was James McKnight a Wide Out for the Dolphins. And then there was Dwayne Carswell "HOUSE" a tight end and then offensive tackle for the Broncos who won 2 Superbowl Titles. But overall not much to talk about, and certainly not a great Christian Testamony.
Now, there is Samkon Gado (rookie RB Green Bay Packers), and what a story he is. He has the talent, he has great speed, he has quick moves, and he is putting up huge stats and breaking records. He has the mind and the vision to see the field and the holes to run through. He has the drive to learn a complex offense very quickly and thrive in it. But that is not what is making the story so great in my eyes. The story is the man his is. He is a Godly, dedicated, and very humble man. The media is shocked that a guy who is making it in the NFL, still wants to be a doctor some day and help people. There are already stories about the impact he has made on his teammates as a person. He is already found a group of teammates that have a weekly bible study at Kabeer Gbaja-Bjamila's (another Nigerian) house, and is deeply involved with that.
Yes, the 64 yard TD he ran on Sunday night against Detroit (Picture above) was awesome. And the 30 yd TD and spin move against Pro Bowler Brian Dawkins and the Eagles was unbelievable. The other 5 TDs were awesome too. His stats after 6 games rival those of many rookie runners through a whole season. He is the real deal and very fun to watch.
But, to me the impact he is having through his unbelievable humility and his hard working spirit is much more impressive. Take these quote from Samkon after his 171 yard 1TD performance on Sunday night. "I think it's too soon to say that, even if I have 100 yard games the rest of the season," Gado said. "I am not worried about being labeled as a legitimate NFL running back although I would like to be. I think in the end, I just want to get better." And even after his third 100 year plus game, he turned the spotlight on his teammates. "It's obviously a team effort," Gado explained. "If you look at some of those runs, I wasn't even touched. It really is humbling to be a beneficiary of all their hard work." He was the whole show for ESPN's commentators on Sunday night. What a great impact he is having on his coaches, and the team as a whole. No, the packers still are not very good, and will not make tha playoffs. But, this team is so much better with Samkon Gado than without him. He has won 2 games almost on his own, and has changed the attittude of much of the team.
My 2 cents. Go Sam!