I have a reputation for being quite a hard head. Lessons others learn and hold on to tightly sometimes take me quite a while to learn. Then, when I do learn them, I seem to forget them very easily. This is the case with waiting on the Lord and the happiness that most see from true patient openness to God's leading. I can not even begin to tell you how many times God has gotten a hold of my heart through circumstances and life changing issues. These are the times when I am able to slow down and truly hear and heed the still, small voice of God. Then in what seems like hours, I've allowed myself to take full control yet again and do things my way. I even realize then and now that my happiness is 100% linked to where I stand in relation to God controlling my life. If I am yielding to him and relaxing in his arms, then I am happy and thriving. At the times where I am control I may feel slightly more comfortable for a time, but I begin to be less and less happy and very bitter.
I found this verse today and thought it was fitting for this issue:
James 5:11Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.
I have seen in my life and the lives of many friends the impact at laying our lives at the alter of God. We have so many things in our lives that we hold so tightly to, and they begin to get in the way of letting God control our major decisions. I have been inspired by friends this week that chose to consider giving up a big dream vacation because of a family medical situation. Then things begin to ease and look a lot less grim. After they gave up that tight hold, God gave it back to them with a peace that is unexplainable. It is amazing how many decisions lie ahead of me right now. It is completely overwhelming when I try to take it all on all by myself (cause I'm so tough- yea right), but with God nothing is impossible. It is amazing upon that realization how the clouds roll back and the peace comes over my life. And with peace comes real and true happiness. That happiness is only achievable with a life truly laid on the alter for God to control.
Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't changed that much. I'll still slip back into bitterness and overwhelmed dispair. God will still have to slap my hand. For now I will bask in the happiness and peace that only my God can give.
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