I am a huge supporter of Mike Huckabee for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2008. I will go into much more depth in future entries on the issues and why I agree with him on most every one. In this case I wanted to just fly over the big picture of why he impresses me so much. Mike is a very confident speaker. He can handle any question with perfect ease. Check this one out:
That impresses me most of all because they really have no reason to ask that question to a Presidential candidate, but he handled it extremely well. When Mike talks he comes across as one of us, and as someone speaking from conviction not a power trip. Mike would be Mike in office, not someone we never knew existed like our current President (sorry). Bottom line Mike is not someone with political aspirations, a list of stances on the issues, who happens to be a man of faith and values. He is a man of very strong values and beliefs that guide his list of stances on the issues. There is a huge difference.
Check out his stances on the issues at http://www.mikehuckabee.com/