Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Kittens saved by News Reporters!
Even though we are a news station and not Animal Planet, we do have hearts. At least Danner and Courtney do. These 2 news hounds hunted down some kittens that were in the crawl space under the ABC13 Home Makeover house. They spent quite some time trying to find them under the house with flashlights and a big satelite truck operator. I have a picture of them searching, but decided not to publish the unflattering angle so as not to get in trouble. After rescuing the cute little critters, they transported them to a Vet in Bedford, where they were treated with antibiotics and something for worms (Nasty). These 2 ladies and Living in the Heart of Virginia and Home Makeover host Tab O'Neal are now searching for homes for the little guys (and girls).
Above are some pictures from today (Wed. the 17th of May) on the WSET HomeMakeover Project at the Home of Elizabeth and Bailey Branch of Big Island, Virginia! The is the second annual makeover project for us here at WSET. It is a great community effort. I am impressed as I go up there to take still pictures for the station every day what great attitudes all of the volunteers have. The reason is because they know they are having a part in changing someone's life. The Branch family has had it rough lately. Their Husband/Father Roger Branch passed away just before a friend entered them into our makeover contest. The craftsmen and women and all the volunteers are giving their time with no expectation of getting anything in return. There are tons of folks donating materials as well.
These folks are literally changing the quality of Bailey and Elizabeth's life. The changes in the house are staggering. They put in cathedral ceilings which will open things up drastically. They are insulating the house in EVERY crack possible where all they had was old newspaper as insulation before. Yes, 1941 copies of the Roanoke World News were found (and saved) in the walls. The improvements are way too many to mention here. The more important part is the huge impact the work is having on the community, the volunteers, and the family. It has been great to see the huge amount of time the members of the Big Island Volunteer Fire Department have spent at the house. Baily is a volunteer at the BIVFD and they want to give back to their comrade. Great job Folks!
It is a blessing to be even a small part of this project and see the way our community comes together to help others. I volunteeded last year, and will be again this weekend. I will have a blog entry on my day at the house next week.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Mr. Bush, We're not buying!
Dear Mr. Bush,
I respect you greatly, but I am quickly losing faith in your words. I was always taught that as a Christian, I was to be honest before God and before men. You, however, seem bent to make whatever statements you feel will help your poll numbers. Last night's speech was a waste of
The issue has to do with your proposal to deal with the illegal aliens who are already here in
“There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation. That middle ground recognizes that there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record. I believe that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, … to pay their taxes, … to learn English … and to work in a job for a number of years. People who meet these conditions should be able to apply for citizenship but approval would not be automatic, and they will have to wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law. What I’ve have just described is not amnesty it is a way for those who have broken the law to pay their debt to society, and demonstrate the character that makes a good citizen.”
All I can say is wow. I assume as you re-read this you swell up with pride at such a brilliant statement. I personally have no clue how anyone could possibly think there is any merit in this statement. How in the world would this work? Would we hire more INS employees who go door to door with a “tell me a little about your self” questionnaire? What in the world is the cut off point where someone has “worked here for many years”. How do you intend to pull off such a huge undertaking? Is some one going to visit them and test them on English? How do we determine exactly how much back taxes they owe? This is such a joke and a typical country club Republican smoke screen.
I for one am sick of this nonsense. I am writing my senators and representatives as soon as possible and urging them not to vote for a plan that in any way resembles your 5 step program. I am not alone. There is a great group of people who voted for you and had great faith in you. We also had expectations that were based on your campaign speeches that are largely unfulfilled.
I beg you to wake up. I urge you to listen to the words that come out of your mouth and exercise some integrity and care. I will continue to pray for you daily. May God bless you, and may you follow through with honesty as he would want you to.
Again that is my 2 cents and I’d like to keep it. So, please don’t make me give it to an illegal alien.